The Lab

We are based in the Psychology Division of The Faculty of Natural Science at The University of Stirling in Scotland. Our research covers a wide range of topics on human behaviour and cognition, including human mate preference, face and person perception, and methods and measurement in psychological science. We focus on investigating research topics using a multi-disciplinary approach, using techniques from fields such as social psychology, evolutionary biology, and computer sciences.

Latest News

2024-06-03: Paper Accepted!
Our manuscript titled "Re-evaluating the role of partnership-related perceptions in women's preferences for men with masculine face shapes" has been accepted for publication in Evolutionary Psychology. This paper is part of a collaboration with researchers at the University of Strathclyde and student first author Chloe Dong. Pre-print available here.

2024-05-22: HBES
Jess presented a poster on her research on online dating at the recent HBES meeting in Aarhus, Denmark.

2024-04-30: Manuscript Accepted!
Our manuscript titled "No evidence that averaging voices influences attractiveness" has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports. This paper is part of a collaboration with researchers at McMaster University. Pre-print available here.

2024-02-14: Odette Lis
We're saddened by the sudden passing of valued PhD student, Odette Lis. Rest in Peace.

2023-09-17: Manuscript Accepted!
A manuscript titled " Laughter and ratings of funniness in speed-dating do not support the fitness indicator hypothesis of humour" has been accepted for publication in Evolution and Human Behavior. This work is part of a collaboration with researchers at the University of Queensland.

2023-08-02: Manuscript Accepted!
Our manuscript titled "The importance of face-shape masculinity for perceptions of male dominance depends on study design" has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports. This paper is part of a collaboration with researchers at the University of Strathclyde and student first author Chloe Dong. Pre-print available here.

2023-07-25: ISHE Summer Institute
The lab attended the ISHE Summer Institute in Ceske Budejovice, Czech. Both Jess and Odette presented a posters on their research.

2023-06-21: Manuscript Accepted!
Our manuscript titled "No evidence that sociosexual orientation moderates effects of conception probability on womens preferences for male facial masculinity" has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports. This paper is part of an international collaborative project including researchers in the UK, Poland, Finland, and Australia. Pre-print available here.

2023-05-29: Manuscript Accepted!
Ronja Bartlome's MSc dissertation has been accepted for publication in Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology. The manuscript titled "Facial attractiveness, but not facial masculinity, is used as a cue to paternal involvement in fathers." is the culmination of hard work collecting data from a difficult to reach population. Congratulations Ronja! Accepted manuscript available here.

2023-05-23: Manuscript Accepted!
A manuscript title "Objectively measured facial traits predict in-person evaluations of facial attractiveness and prosociality in speed-dating partners." was accepted for publication in Evolution and Human Behavior. This work was in collaboration with researchers at The Univeristy of Queensland, Amy Zhao and Brendan Zietsch (and others).


Dr. Anthony J. Lee

I am a Lecturer and The University of Stirling and been part of the division since 2019. I completed my PhD at The University of Queensland in 2015 and was a Marie Curie Fellow at The University of Glasgow. I have expertise in many statistical techniques, such as linear mixed effects modelling. Outside the lab, I play for the Glasgow Giants Australian Rules Football Club.

email: | Twitter: @antlee53 | University Profile | Google Scholar | ORCID | ResearcherID |

Jessica De La Mare

Jess is a PhD student in the lab investigating whether the design of online dating platforms influence the mating strategies and psychology of the user.

email: |

Interested in joining the lab?

There are often opportunities to work in the lab, including a three-year PhD degree. If you are interested in finding out more about opportunities to join the lab, please email me.

email: |

Research Groups

Face Research Lab

The Face Research Lab are researchers at Stirling who are interested in various aspects of human face recognition and perception.

Behaviour and Evolution Research Group

The Behaviour and Evolution Research Group (BERG) focus on understanding the interaction between evolved capacities and actions in humans and other animals in the 21stÊcentury.

Cognition Research Group

The Cognition in Complex Environments Research Group conducts research in the areas of cognitive neuroscience, developmental psychology, face research, visual perception, and autism research.